Next availabilty:
Jan. 21st, 22nd, 27th


Please carefully read the following info and use the contact form below or email me all required info in your initial contact.

Talk soon,



Part 1: Your personal phone number 

Part 2: Photo of  Drivers License OR a LinkedIn/business website URL with photo

Willingly providing your screening info with your request demonstrates to me that you value  my comfortability and safety which is what allows me to be totally uninhibited with you.  I greatly appreciate your professionalism and will always protect your info as most confidential


 I like to keep my interactions with clients private. At this time, I have a very strict No Review policy. Please do not share details of our time together, my phone number, or any private photos I’ve sent to you with anyone. Additionally,  I regard your personal info with the upmost care and pride myself in being exceptionally discrete. For this reason, I recommend clients communicate with me via an encrypted email provider like Proton Mail.


Place an envelope with my payment on a surface in plain sight at the beginning of our date so this is out of the way without me asking. Excuse yourself to thoroughly wash your hands and use the mouthwash provided (or shower if you have not showered directly beforehand)


A 20 % deposit is due only once a date and time has been agreed upon. When I receive the deposit, our date goes into my calendar to reserve our time together. If your request has incurred additional fees these may be added to the deposit. Deposit can be recieved via cashapp, venmo, bitcoin, and credit card via Square. 

If none of these methods are accessible to you, you may buy a gift card with cash and give me the claim code to reserve your time with me. This method will not apply to the remaining balance.


You are eligible to send a 20% fee to reschedule our date if you have given more than two days notice and the proposed reschedule is within one week of the original date. Your original deposit will be applied in this case. 


Life is full of surprises. In the event you have to cancel less than 24 hours, I expect the rest of my payment. With a notice of more than 24 hours, please send 30% of my payment. 

Promptly sending a cancellation fee without me asking speaks volumes and is very much appreciated. These fees protect my income and ensure that there are never any hard feelings (even with a super last minute cancellation.)